Update on the Lochaber National Park nomination

Pàirc Nàiseanta Loch Abair - update on the Lochaber National Park nomination

Lochaber has been nominated for consideration by the Scottish Government for designation as a National Park in 2026. In total, five areas nominated themselves, and since February the Scottish Government Expert Panel has been considering the nominations against the Appraisals Framework. They will soon submit their report to Scottish Ministers who will then decide which area, or areas, will be chosen to progress to the next stage of the process.

During the next stage, called the Reporter Phase, extensive and wide ranging public consultation will take place, providing the opportunity for every resident to get involved, learn about the process, and contribute to the final plan. Detailed and factual information will be provided about the work of National Parks including what they do, what they don’t do, and what the implications of an area designation will be for residents, communities and businesses.

The Lochaber National Park Working Group included a key condition in the nomination that a vote will be required so that residents are able to express their views in a secure way during the Reporter Phase.  Since submitting the nomination, the Working Group have continued discussions with the Scottish Government National Park Team to ensure that this is understood and how this process will work if Lochaber progresses to the Reporter Phase.

The condition of a vote is understood by the Scottish Government Expert Panel, and their report states the condition very clearly so that Scottish Ministers will be in no doubt about the importance of this for Lochaber residents.

During the Reporter Phase it is likely that the following elements would be included in the engagement and consultation work:

  • A full consultation paper seeking written responses on key elements of the proposals;
  • A summary consultation leaflet seeking views on the key elements of the proposals distributed to all households in the proposed area;
  • In person meetings and events (organised with local community councils and stakeholder groups);
  • An online discussion website;
  • Drop-ins and surgeries;
  • Specific initiatives for young people; and
  • An independent evaluation of the effectiveness of the consultation process.

During the Reporter Phase there will be consultation on the proposed boundary. Not all areas within Lochaber may wish to be included in a new National Park and there will be opportunities for areas and communities to opt out of the designated area during the consultation process. The governance structure, objectives, and planning process will also be consulted on during the Reporter Phase.

The importance of public support was stressed very strongly by the Scottish Government as a key requirement for any new designation. The requirement for public support is in the original National Park Legislation as well as being a separate criterion in the current decision making process.

It was also stressed that selection for the Reporter Phase does not commit an area to being designated. The Scottish Government must vote on final legislation and they will also require to see evidence of local (community) support in order to vote for the legislation.

Scottish Ministers are expected to decide which area, or areas, will progress to the Reporter Phase in late June or early July.
