Will a third National Park be similar to the current ones?

To enable each Park to address the specific needs and circumstances of its area, the legislation allows for significant differences in the powers, functions, governance and administration of each Park Authority.

While the arrangements for Scotland’s next National Park could be similar to the first two, they may need to be different because the Park could:

  • cover a different size of area (smaller or larger) or a different size of population;

  • extend to, or largely cover, a coastal and marine area; 

  • be located within fewer local authority areas or a single local authority area;

  • need a different range of powers and functions;

  • need to have alternative governance and/or staffing models;

  • be designated for a different range of reasons e.g.

    • Delivering more on the opportunities to restore nature as well protecting what exists already;

    • A stronger role in demonstrating exemplars of sustainable community development and land-use through natural capital approaches;

    • As a tool to increase population growth in more remote parts of Scotland;

    • A focus on rebalancing visitor pressures across parts of Scotland as well as the management of current visitor pressures.
